Mother and child looking at a smartphone together.
Image showing green silhouettes with icons related to grocery shopping and text about shoppers' concerns and children's food preferences. Infographic showing grocery shopping behaviors with pie charts and user insights. A wireframe sketch for a children's grocery shopping app with illustrations and annotations. Customer journey map of Kaylen's grocery shopping experience with her son. A journey map showing a preschooler's emotions and thoughts during a grocery trip. Large number 4 with text about simplifying user interactions overlaying it. Flowchart showing the process for parents and children using the GroceryHopp app. A screen displaying wireframes of the Grocery Hop app. A collage of toys and modern design elements, including smart speakers, geometric blocks, a toy mallet, a device in a silicone case, illustrated blocks, and plastic carrot toys. Concept designs for a children's tablet called Compass with kiosk illustration and device sketches Number 8 with text about microinteractions.
Child holding a tablet in a grocery store produce aisle.